MAST Software Modules
Modeling System
Collects process steps and routing, part number list, kanban/pallet assignments, machine assignments, operator assignments, reliability, automated material handling system, queue sizes, and layout.
Compare alternative configuration of machine assignments, operator roles, kanban sizes, number of kanbans or pallets, production mix, manual material handling, automated material handling, queue sizes, and layouts.
Define a day-to-day operation plan based on the optimal or best configuration of machines, operators, inventory, automation, and part mix. With each operating plan, performance benchmarks (targets) are set that include machine OEE, operator use, inventory level, flow time, production rates, and material handling use.
Capacity Planning System
Forecast demand is used to reconfigure machine assignments,numbers of kanban / pallets, operator roles, and material handling use for each production mix. Transfer data between the MAST modeling system and SAIL scheduling system.